Days of awe

LeoPeople don’t need to be believers to see that the Jewish festivals and calendar days instituted thousands of years ago, are now aligning with the signs in the sky, and major world events. 

In my last post I said I’d explain how God is speaking to those who haven’t read the Bible.  One of the ways he is speaking is by using signs in the heavens.  I’m not talking about Astrology. But if I was, I’d point out that Astrology is made up of these two words: Astro meaning “Star” and Logos meaning Jesus Christ, the Word, the Logos of God.

The devil has covered the witness of the stars with occult graffiti, but he can’t forever.  The truth is right there in our night sky, for all to see.  God is using signs in the sun, moon and stars for warning, prophecy and to show that He is in control.

Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter, 1st July 2015

Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter, 1st July 2015

For instance, last month we had the convergence of Jupiter and Venus, near the bright star Regulus, the star of the King, in the constellation of Leo.  The conjunction was right in front of the Lion’s mouth.

This is what the stars in Leo mean (from Bullinger’s ‘Witness of the Stars’);

The brightest star marks the heart of the Lion. Its ancient name is Regulus, which means treading under foot.
The next star, also of the 1st magnitude (in the tip of the tail), is named Denebola, the Judge or Lord who cometh.
The star (in the mane) is called Al Giebha (Arabic), the exaltation.
The star (on the hinder part of the back) is called Zosma, shining forth.

Can you hear the lion roar?

There is a convergence of events happening in September – involving the number 70, the U.N., the Pope, ‘climate chaos’ and a whole lot of other ungodly factors. The year ending on 13th September 2015, is a shmita year and the last year before the Jewish year of Jubilee, also coinciding with the Tetrad of blood moons.  The ‘shmita’ is the 7th year and in Hebrew, it literally means “release”.

First though I’ll start with God’s calendar.  Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets begins at sundown on the 13th September.  It’s the Jewish New Year, and the first of the High Holy Days or “Days of Awe”.  It’s also the 70th Jubilee.

The year of Jubilee happens every 50 years, after 7 lots of 7 Sabbaths (the shmita).  God declared it as a time for debt to be released, the land to have a rest, and for property to return to its original owners.  On the last day of the sixth year, the people of Israel were instructed to perform a releasing of debts (Deuteronomy 15).

This does not just involve Israel.  It’s a pattern God has given the world to follow.  The reason the world is in the state it’s in is that debt does not get released.  The last sabbath of seven years was 2008 – and God spoke to the world by having the stock market crash on September 29, 2008 when the DOW fell 777 points.

For Luciferians, Anno Lucis, the year of light begins and 2015 has been declared as the UN International Year of Light.  It’s also the UN’s 70th Anniversary and the opening of 70th session of the UN general assembly.  CERN will be giving a presentation about High Luminosity.  Also keep an eye on a project they’re doing called “Project AWAKE”.  I don’t understand the physics they’re doing, but I am able to discern occult names and connections.  CERN will be running at full power over this period.

While God is orchestrating signs, Satan is orchestrating events.

The United Nations general assembly climate summit starts on September 23, 2015.  How timely, because in May 2014 the French Foreign Minister warned we had 500 days before “climate chaos”.  What did he mean by that?  Is it going to be something that Cern’s going to do?

The 500 days expires on 24th September, the day the Pope addresses the U.S. congress on his visit to the USA from the 17th to 28th September.  The next day the Pope will address the U.N.   This is the day when the U.N. launches its ‘sustainable development’ agenda for whole world.  How convenient and coincidental is that?

Watch out for this Pope.  How can he reconcile the Vatican’s policy of no birth control with ‘sustainable development’? By the way, ‘sustainable development’ sounds altruistic, but it’s actually a communist buzzword.

The end of the Pope’s visit and the last Tetrad moon occur on the 28th September.  I wonder if he’ll be flying back to Rome with a red blood moon in his window.

The song “Bad Moon Rising” comes to mind.

Bad Moon Arising


I see the bad moon arising, I see trouble on the way, I see earthquakes and lightnin’, I see bad times today.

The song came out in 1969.  It was inspired by a story about a seven year covenant.  The lyrics are quite prophetic.  This is another way that God speaks; through the prophets of the world.  Fogerty from Creedance Clear Water Revival reportedly wrote that song after watching a film called The Devil and Daniel Webster”.  The film was set in 1840 New Hampshire, where poor, downtrodden farmer Jabez Stone sells his soul to “Mr. Scratch” in return for seven years of luck and prosperity.  ‘Jabez’ means sorrow or trouble.

There’s another song by Greenday called “Wake me up when September ends“.

September is not a time to be asleep.  Actually I think most of us are up and smelling the coffee, or is it sulphur?  It’s something.  I’m not a prophet, but I am a blood hound when it comes to discernment.  We need to have our own project ‘AWAKE’ so we can pray and warn people.  We don’t belong to the night.

We are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.
For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.  1 Thessalonians 5:5-7

I await the Lord’s coming but I worry about the people who don’t know him yet.  Anyway I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments.

God bless.

19 thoughts on “Days of awe

  1. Interesting to read another reference to 70 years. I’ve noticed an increasing number over recent months since hearing Charlie Shamp refer to the significant celestial events expected for 23 Sept 2016 (ie. next year). Are you aware of any claims about a repetition of the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ around that time Jo?


    • I read that the Venus-Jupiter conjunction last month would look like the Star of Bethlehem. But it didn’t. All the same – it was a remarkable sight, the two planets so close together in the winter sky.
      Regarding Charlie Shamp, I haven’t heard of him. I’ve been going for walks in the early morning and the Lord’s been telling me to keep a track of the news and celestial events. I use the news, Bible, and for celstial events a program called Stellarium together with Bullinger’s book “Witness of the Stars.” What encourages me is that other people like you are picking up on it too.
      God bless, Jo


      • Hi Richard,
        Thanks for that. I had a quick read at lunch time. Will have more time to read on the weekend. We’ve been away on a week’s holiday and it’s been really busy during the day from all the customers that wanted us last week!


      • Thanks Jo and you may like to know your remark on what the Lord’s told you gets a “Yes!” in my spirit. I’m searching around on the same as and when I can and found this Biblical-celestial articles on So have run off a couple of pages to ‘digest’ over lunch. Trust you all feel rested after the break; storms & floods here brought our neighbour home early.


      • Hi Richard,
        Thanks so much for the link to this site “Signs of the End”. I’ve ordered the PDF book to read. Brilliant!
        We had a nice holiday but could have done with another week. Bert got a really gnarly problem to sort out on Monday, a job that took 6 hours (mainly unbillable), and I had to pick up all of his workshop work plus my own. He said it undid the break he’d had.
        But that’s life!
        At least our holiday was in a beautiful spot with rain only at night.
        God bless, Jo


      • Thanks Richard for another brilliant link, “The Great Sign of Revelation 12 occurs in 2017”. I really appreciate it. Here is a link I found which is about the same thing, “How rare is the Revelation 12 Heavenly Sign [23 September 2017] Once in 7000 Years.”

        The Aussie guy is an analyst who put it all on a spreadsheet. It’s under 15 minutes long and it truly shows how rare this event is. He didn’t say Jupiter is a symbol for Messiah, but he shows how long Jupiter is in the area of Virgo’s womb.


  2. Early this year the Lord confirmed that this would be the year of epikinazo, the overshadowing. It is His brooding that takes place in the time of tabernacles, when He takes a company under the Hoopa. We are seeing that everything starts to change in September, which is why Venus and Jupiter came together in July (July is like September in prophetic timing 7-7). The king is coming to His remnant to produce Himself. That conjunction has not been that close since the time of Christ’s birth. The sons of God are rising now all over the earth and that is why such dramatic miracles are following people like Charlie Shamp. September will see the release of Heaven’s army in the earth. If you want to know, go look at it!!!! They are very busy before the mountain of the Lord. Yea God!


    • Hi Todd,
      Thanks for your comments. What you have said is very interesting. I’m not sure what you mean by the sons of God rising now all over the earth. Can you give me a scripture reference, especially about Heavens army being on the earth in September?
      My understanding is that peacemakers are the children of God, from what Jesus said on the Mount;
      “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5).
      I see this as applying more to the persecuted church, which is suffering so much in the Middle East and North Africa right now. Moslems are commanded to wage Jihad, while we are commanded to love those who persecute us. How hard is that? The Church is being decimated in places, and it will get even worse in the future.
      I’m glad that the Lord has got this, as my husband reminds me when I wring my hands over the news on TV.
      God bless, Jo


      • A couple of things.First, get far away from the news. It is largely demonic and mostly filled with inaccuracies, if not outright lies. Get your news from heaven, where truth reigns. Practice practice practice.
        I did not say the sons were coming on the earth in September, I said now. Key dates have now passed and the doors in heaven are open for those who wish to engage the Kingdom in a new and powerful way. Watch for the old order to persecute those who are entering.Need a verse? Matt 23:13
        John 10:9 – There is nothing new under the sun.
        Indeed sons are peacemakers, not peacekeepers. There is a difference. We were never called to be peacekeepers. In fact, Jesus says the opposite in Luke 12:49
        The sons are a part of the army referenced in Joel. What you need to understand is that they are learning to engage the forces of heaven for the times to come. When we learn our position, we may find ourselves standing in the place of authority surrounded by many witnesses. Are we not encompassed about? And so to those that will believe it (you MUST enter by faith) you can release forces of heaven to advance in the earth and bring reconciliation to the creation. The Kingdom of heaven is at hand and that means it is here for us to engage.
        Why don’t you go into the Kingdom and see first hand that “the Lord has got this”? He really does and when you see it, it will shatter what you thought was reality.


      • Hi Todd, thanks for your reply.
        You are right about the news being demonic. However I do watch it after work to see what’s happening in NZ.
        I listen to Rick Wiles at Tru News when I’m in the workshop.
        I seem to remember Joel’s Army in connection with Todd Bently some years ago. The Lord said quite a bit about it to me at the time, which I wrote down. I’ll have to find it.
        Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. Talking to people helps me think about what I read and write about. This morning I asked the Lord what being a peacemaker meant. He gave me something I did last year as an example. So I’ve written a post about it on my blog.

        Blessed are the peacemakers

        I hope you read it because you inspired that early morning conversation.
        God bless, Jo


  3. We had a blue moon this month and let me say I don’t follow signs but they are for the unbelievers so why fear? This is the time of the Lion yes – the Lion of Judah! We have had flooding in the Sunshine State that lasted so many days people posted the Ark pictures and still this 100 year flood as they are now calling it – is bringing tears to men and women alike many need us.. The ministries are so accustomed to going to 3rd world countries, but this is my sign to awaken and become stronger, more courageous, educated on the scriptures and to have prayer line calls forwarded to my home. Tithe and volunteer. Fortunately with my job I can prayer walk amongst the unsaved humbly exercise physically, spiritually and mentally trusting God more becoming unafraid to get my hands dirty or to see a bug and not run away.
    Thank you for your always encouraging posts.


    • Hi Vicki,
      I’m sorry to hear you’ve had flooding where you are. We’ve just had a 100 year flood too, in my old home province last month. My church raised money to send to the church down there. Are you by a river? Is the Sunshine State Florida? My husband is from there, and we have family in Seminole and Clearwater.
      Keep up the work you are doing.
      “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10.
      God bless, Jo


  4. Pingback: Jigsaw Time – Part 1: Cahn, Shamp and a prophetic word for 2015 | Richard's Watch

  5. Pingback: Through the Word: Lord of the Sabbath | The Kingdom

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